Monday, April 20, 2009

itS all Bout aMan..PeacE!!!

5 things I’m Doing Rite Now..
1- thinking of aman
2- dreaming of aman
3- crazily in love with aman
4- Talk to aman
5- walking home from work,to keep thinking of aman..actually im driving..hehe..

5 things on my to-do list today
1- rilek
2- lepak
3- rilek
4- lepak
5- rilek

5 snacks I enjoy
1- SuPer Ring HeBat..SuPerRing LazAt..SupEr RIng..
2- ChoColatE MuFFin
3- MalTeSe
4- PriNgLEs
5- MaRs

5 of my bad habits
1- too much Sleep
2- i Get To Talkative samTImes i EvEn CanT StOp..
3- lazying around too much
4- CEpAt NyeSal..Bodo Kan..wawa...
5- misplace things

5 jobs I’ve had
never work b4